
PH: Counselling totally changed my life for the better…I found counselling an enlightening learning experience.

SR: Life skills learned have enabled me to look forward…Transformed how I am in life and brought me peace about the past.

BJ: I have discovered I can be honest about the way I feel. I had suppressed emotions over many years to the point I couldn’t recognise them any more – now I can…Being able to talk about things I thought I’d never talk about…I was very low, not really coping with life and finding it hard to interact with people. Now I am finding more real relationships in which I can be open and honest…Therapy has helped me deal with painful issues from the past and enabled me to cope with difficult emotions in my everyday life in the present.

VR: I felt seen and heard.

HM: I felt heard and understood.

AN: Enabled me to see the part I had played in the break-up of my marriage…Therapy provided an opportunity to step outside my situation and learn more tolerance, patience and acceptance of things I cannot change…My therapist was a good listener, compassionate and non-judgemental. The safety he provided enabled me to open up and confront the root cause of my anger.

TW: I am less anxious and depressed now and happier and more content…Counselling helped me understand myself better.

DP: The safe, non-judgemental environment provided by my therapist enabled me to vent my emotions, believe in my abilities and boosted my confidence.

SC: I am much more relaxed having forgiven the people who hurt me.

VP: Having someone to share what was going on in my life and pour out my emotions to was so helpful.

AH: My therapist engaged at a profound level and challenged me appropriately.

A J: Counselling enabled me to see my husband’s perspective and ultimately kept our marriage together…Having someone reflect back accurately to my husband how I felt was so helpful.

DJ: Our counsellor was excellent, a credit to the organisation. He enabled me to look at my marriage from a different perspective. The counselling process works. It provided me with the tools for change and development.

SP: I felt validated and worthy as a human being.