Case Examples

Here are some examples of people we have been privileged to help in recent times.

  • Pregnant 30 y old mother of two who discovers her husband has had an affair
  • Young adult girl coming to terms that her parents are divorcing
  • Woman in mid 30s in abusive and controlling marriage
  • 40 y old woman grieving over death of her mother, distraught at the possibility of her husband dying
  • 50y old husband having difficulty handling his anger
  • Daughter of a narcissistic mother in her mid 50s who discovered herself and started living
  • 40 y old wife who had been brought up in care needing reassurance in her marriage and relationship with her adult daughter
  • Grief stricken widower in his 50s coming to realise there is life beyond bereavement
  • 50 y old female in process of divorcing controlling husband
  • Former ex-pat single mum in her late 30s readjusting to British culture
  • Man in mid 50s suffering from panic attacks
  • Daughter of cruel mother in her mid-fifties prone to bout drinking as a means of avoiding confronting her fears
  • Woman in her mid 20s wanting to reconcile with her estranged mother
  • 40 y old male with multiple addictions, alcohol, drugs and sex
  • 40 y old husband coming to realise how his unresolved anger with his father had contributed to the breakdown of his marriage
  • 40 y wife of a depressed husband adjusting to his return after two years absence
  • Single dad in his 40s with OCD and sex addiction
  • Husband in his 40s with anger issues, controlled by his wife
  • 30 y old man experiencing jealous feelings when his fiancé spoke to other men
  • Woman in her mid 20s who was gang raped
  • Woman in her 60s who was being sexually abused by her husband
  • Man in his 20s with learning difficulties and anger issues
  • Recently married couple with a baby who were struggling with their marriage and interference from his former wife
  • A lady in her 80s experiencing loneliness, anxiety and depression
  • A man in his 60s experiencing problems with debt and estrangement from his wife
  • A 60 y old man experiencing sexual and other problems in his marriage
  • A man in his 50s struggling to live up to a perfectionist standard originally set by his father
  • A couple in their 30s struggling with debt and their marriage
  • A man in his 20s experiencing lack of confidence and self-esteem, concerned he was becoming controlling and manipulative towards girls
  • A woman in her 40s with various mental health issues and long standing anger issues stemming from neglectful father and parent’s divorce at 12 adjusting to abandonment by husband
  • A woman in her 40s experiencing depression who recently discovered from her estranged and terminally ill mother that the person who brought her up as father was not her biological father
  • A man in his early 30s adjusting to his wife walking out
  • Lead singer in a rock band in his 20s seeking to come to terms with the anger he experienced when his wife gave precedence to their two babies
  • A 30 y old husband experiencing depression and detachment trying to make sense the emotions he was feeling
  • A man in his 60s seeking to come to terms with his same sex attraction
  • A man in his 50s seeking to come to terms with the anger he experienced, stemming from neglectful parenting
  • A woman in her 20s experiencing anxiety and panic attacks
  • A woman in her 30s struggling with a sense of self-worth
  • A church leader in his 30s struggling with long term depression